April is National Library Month and we invite you to share, celebrate and support the Long Beach Public Library with us!

Mark Your Calendars:
April 4: Library Giving Day
Let us tell you about some of the ways your donation to the Long Beach Public Library Foundation supports the people of Long Beach!
More than 20% of Long Beach residents lack a high school diploma. The Long Beach Public Library provides scholarships to Career Online High School, which provides Long Beach residents 19-years or older with a second chance at receiving an accredited high school diploma (not a GED) and a credentialed career certificate for free. There have been 77 graduates to date. Each scholarship is $1,100. Imagine the opportunity this creates in someone’s life.
The Center for Adaptive Technology helps people with special needs access the resources they need. An iPad at about $500 can give patrons access to tools that help with visual impairments, reading text out loud or helping make it easier to read.
The makerspace Studio offers a full calendar of technology and STEAM workshops, partners with schools on STEAM workshops for LBUSD students and hosts a free STEAM summer camp for teens. $100 can help provide all of the consumables it takes to run a STEAM program. There are those things that the Studio always run out of: motors, batteries, LED lights, ink, filament for 3D printers . . . even the volcano goo for family fun Labs! Who doesn’t love volcano goo!
Whatever you can contribute, the Long Beach Public Library Foundation will use your donation to transform lives.
April 23-29: National Library Week
Check out the Long Beach Public Library’s website calendar to see what fun is happening all week long!
April 25: National Library Workers Day
In celebration of National Library Workers Day and National Library Week, the Long Beach Public Library Foundation invites you to show your gratitude for Long Beach’s amazing librarians and library staff.
For 125 years, Long Beach Public Library workers have promoted literacy in our community. In the past year, our City’s librarians and library staff have gone above and beyond to provide crucial educational resources to those struggling with the challenges of distance learning and economic hardships. Library workers support readers of all ages with a safe pick-up service for library materials and a constant stream of new virtual learning opportunities. Library workers also contribute their skills to other City services including the Multi-Service Center for those experiencing homelessness, the digital inclusion resources hotline, and more.
Learn more about the Long Beach Public Library’s resources at http://www.longbeach.gov/library.