Resolutions for 2017

It’s a new year! Time for a new start. Every January we take stock of where we’ve been, how we got here, and what we might do differently in the months ahead. For the Foundation, this means taking a look at how our programs are doing, where your giving is having the most impact, and what projects we have on the horizon. We’re excited for so many things in 2017, and we’d like to give you a sneak peek at a few of them:

Construction for the new Main Library at Pacific and Broadway is making initial headway, and we anticipate being able to tour the site later this year. We were thrilled to see Plenary-Edgemoor’s external renderings of the library, civic center, and park released in 2016, and there have been several conversations between Library, Foundation, and city staff about the library’s internal layout.

In 2017 we’re resolved to keep you informed about the new Main Library’s development, how you can be involved in guaranteeing the same level of special programs and services we currently offer, and finding new ways of engaging the community in this unique, expansive space.

The Library’s programs keep getting better, and we want to be a part of their growth–from the MobileStudio that will hit the road this year, bringing cutting edge technology to each of the library branches, to the Summer Reading Program, providing months of incentives to Long Beach children and youth facing the summer slide.

In 2017 we’re resolved to be even more engaged in bringing literacy and education to our Long Beach neighbors.

We grew a lot in 2016, bringing in a whole new staff and welcoming a brand new library in north Long Beach. But we grow in small ways too, and this year we expect even more stories, discoveries, and relationships to come out of the Foundation’s rigorous advocacy on behalf of our community.

In 2017 we’re resolved to keep you regularly informed about the Foundation’s efforts through social media, email and print newsletters, and our new website.

We couldn’t move forward into 2017 without your support and friendship. We hope your new year is as full of hope, anticipation, and commitment to the people around you as it is for us. Thank you for being a part of the Foundation’s journey over the past twenty years and on into the future!

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