The Long Beach Public Library Foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of Carmen Ornelas Perez, whose leadership, vision, and boundless compassion left an indelible mark on our organization and our community. Carmen was more than a Library Foundation Board member — she was a guiding light, an icon, and a powerful advocate whose impact will be felt for generations.

How Green Was My Valley
Her contributions to our organization were invaluable, particularly her passion for supporting children’s programs and championing our Grape Expectations gala. But her legacy reaches far beyond our walls. Carmen was a fearless and brilliant leader whose work advanced opportunities for women, people of color, and countless others through her political insight, her deep civic engagement, and her unwavering dedication to public service.
From her groundbreaking role as the first Latina Harbor Commissioner at the Port of Long Beach to her national political leadership, Carmen exemplified what it meant to lead with strength, grace, and purpose. She never sat in the audience when there was an opportunity to sit at the table — and she made sure to pull others up with her.
We will miss her wisdom, her energy, her warmth, and above all, her belief in the power of community. Carmen’s memory will continue to inspire all of us to lead boldly, lift others up, and never stop making things happen.
About Carmen

Carmen is best known as the Port of Long Beach’s first Latina Harbor Commissioner, significantly helping to triple trade at the Port during her 12 years on the commission. She served as Vice Chair for the National Democratic Party and as the Democratic National Committee Vice Chairwoman for California. She is a founding member of the Long Beach Chapter of the American Diabetes Association, the Long Beach Mujeres Coalition, the League of United Latin American Citizens,and the Long Beach Chicano Political Caucus. Carmen served as Assistant Chief Deputy to the Honorable Kenneth Hahn for many years and was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to the Narcotics Authority Parole Board and by Governor Gray Davis to the California World Trade Commission.

In honor of her service, Mayor Robert Garcia awarded Carmen the Key to the City in 2018.
Carmen was born in Maravilla, East Los Angeles, one of five girls and five boys raised by her mother after her father passed away when she was only four. She developed a strong appreciation for programs at the Cleland House of Neighborly Service, particularly the library. “Many nights, my family had to come get me to go home. I had a love for books, reading, and imagining a world I could only dream about in that time of my life.”
She married young, and by age 27 was already the mother of three daughters and a son: Cinde, Liz, Laura, and Buddy. She began her service to the city as a teacher’s aide at Long Beach Unified School District while raising them. She volunteered with three PTAs and became the PTA District President. She volunteered with the Girl Scouts Council, managing cookie distribution; Brownies; Boy Scouts; and school book clubs; as a playground helper; and as a “cab driver” for her girls’ baseball teams. This led to her volunteer work with the Public Corporation for the Arts, Parents Against Cancer, and United Way while working as patient support services director for the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey.
Carmen joined the Board of the Aquarium of the Pacific, Rancho Los Amigos Hospital Foundation, and Long Beach Day Nursery and raised funds for the Cancer Society, pediatric diabetes, and more.

She believed that she could be helpful to the city, county, state and national political scene too. She ran for Democratic Party office, serving as Southern State Vice Chair, State Vice Chair and then National Vice Chair for the Democratic Party. She was the Chair of California Democratic Party Hispanic Caucus and Co-chair of Credentials for National Conventions. She continued to serve as a member of the State of California Electoral College. In 1991, she was appointed by late Mayor Ernie Kell to the Harbor Commission (the first Latina to serve in that capacity), and she was reappointed by Mayor Beverly O’Neill. Her mentors included Olivia Nieto, Councilwoman Renee Simon, Representative Nancy Pelosi, her sister Yolanda Ornelas Wilson, Don Foltz, Peter Kelly, Senator Richard Polanco, and Supervisor Kenneth Hahn.
“I have never been one to sit in the audience when we can sit at the decision-making table! That is when I penned these words to guide me forever, and they have served me well indeed, ‘Nothing happens—YOU make it happen.’”
As a Long Beach Public Library Foundation Board member, Carmen enjoyed bringing together those she knew and loved to support the Grape Expectations gala. She always championed the expansion of the Library’s children’s programs.

Carmen O. Perez was foremost a proud mother, grandmother and great grandmother. “I always demanded that no matter what profession they choose they had to be respectful, good people. Not one has ever disappointed me!”
As her friend, George L. Pla wrote, “Carmen was more than her accomplishments; her life was a testament to what it means to live boldly, to love deeply, and to leave any place better than she found it.”
In honor of Carmen, remember to put your hand out — help bring another woman to the table!