In March, the Library resumed in-person storytimes and other programs for youth, including the return of Circle of Stories/Círculo de Cuentos in the newly remodeled Lincoln Park. Circle of Stories/Círculo de Cuentos is a Library Foundation-funded bilingual program for families with children ages 2 to 5. Librarians led children in educational songs, games, and storytimes in Spanish and English. Thanks to Library Foundation donors, each child in attendance received a backpack containing activity guides and tools to increase child engagement.
In April, the Library will host the Library Foundation-funded Cuentos y Cantos Spanish and English storytime program in Lincoln Park every Friday at 10:00 AM. Families with children ages 2 to 5 are invited to read, talk, sing, and play ¡en inglés y en español!
Check out the Library’s calendar to view the full list of upcoming events and programs.