Every year, the American Library Association invites committees of librarians, educators, writers, and booksellers to honor outstanding new books with a variety of literary awards. Almost all of these books are available in the Long Beach Public Library’s collection at encore.lbpl.org. Check them out and enjoy a summer of reading.

Award-winning Books for Adults
The Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence, the Notable Books List, the CODES List, and more book and media recognitions are given to the best in new titles for adults. Check out the latest recently honored books as well as award-winners from previous years at the link below.

Award-winning Books for Children and Teens
Each year, the American Library Association honors outstanding materials for children and teens. These honors include the prestigious Newbery, Caldecott, Printz, and Coretta Scott King Book Awards. Learn more about these awards and discover award-winning books from this year and previous years at the link below.