Support Us

Your tax-deductible gift will support Long Beach Public Library Foundation programs, technology, and resources. Thank you!

If you would like to know more about any of the giving options below, please contact Director of Individual Giving Thelma Valenzuela at (562) 628-2441, extension 3 or email her at

Donate Online

Donate once, or multiply your impact by setting up a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual donation to support our programs and resources at the 12 libraries with a recurring gift.

Mail Your Donation

You are welcome to mail your donation to 200 W. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90802.

Employer Matching Gifts

Your employer may match your donation to the Long Beach Public Library Foundation, doubling your impact. Check with your HR department to learn if your company has a policy of matching employee charitable gifts.

Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Ask friends to donate to celebrate your birthday, a holiday, or just show your support for libraries by starting a fundraiser on Facebook for the Library Foundation. You can set a goal and invite your friends to make tax-deductible gifts. Facebook transfers all money raised directly to the Library Foundation without charging any fees.

Groups and Campaigns

The Library Foundation also raises funds for a variety of specific programs and projects within the Library. Learn about our donor groups and current campaigns.