These recommended books are available at the Long Beach Public Library. Visit the Library’s catalog at

“The book I am most thankful for is Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. Hitching around the world you find that people the world over are kind and extremely generous. They want the same things that everyone wants, friendship, education, health care, a home and a job. Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl gives inspiration, hope and a brighter view of the world through the eyes of a young girl during a terrible time in the history of the world.
Thank you, Anne Frank, for your lovely words of hope: ‘I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart,’ and, ‘How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.’ “
– Debi Vilander, Supervising Librarian at Bay Shore Neighborhood Library

“I am thankful for the book Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White because I believe it suggested to my young, pliable mind, the possibility that animals have souls, personalities, desires, and the ability to love, a belief that has been proven over and over again in the 56 years since I first read it.”
– Erica Lansdown, Senior Librarian at Los Altos Neighborhood Library

“I am thankful for the book Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand a very well-researched book that follows Louie Zamperini from his childhood as a troubled youth in Torrance, CA to becoming a Boy Scout, and going to USC where he honed his athletic ability that enabled him to compete in Hitler’s 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany.
Shot down during World War II and surviving brutal POW camps, Louie returned home with what we now know as PTSD which he overcame with the power of Jesus Christ that allowed him to forgive his prison camp tormentor and transform his life.”
– Gail Tweedt, Senior Librarian at El Dorado Neighborhood Library

“I have two books that I am thankful for. Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry and Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. I am thankful for these books because to me they represent what reading is all about. Both stories are so vivid, perfectly paced, and entertaining that the stories suck the reader in and don’t let go, even after finishing the book. I can count on one hand the number of books I’ve read that truly equal these two in storytelling.”
– Jennifer Songster, Senior Librarian at Mark Twain Neighborhood Library

A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle is one of my favorite books. Mayle uses wit and humor to tell an entertaining story of moving to Provence. I wanted to pack my bags and take a trip to Provence after reading this book!
– Cyndi, Senior Librarian at Alamitos Neighborhood Library

“In My Papi Has A Motorcyle, a little girl named Daisy waits for her dad to come home from work so they can ride around their city, Corona, Calif., on the back of his motorcycle. They pass a tortilla shop, a raspado shop, her grandparent’s house, and her dad’s construction site. I lived in the Inland Empire for a few years and the illustrations bring back fond memories of a city I spent time with my family when I was young.
The book is illustrated by Zeke Peña and written by Isabel Quintero. It’s a love letter to the city, and her father. The book is published in both English and Spanish.”
– Shiloh Richardson Moore, Senior Librarian at Burnett Neighborhood Library