Join the Long Beach Public Library for their monthly author talk series! Registration is required for the live events and each comes with the opportunity to submit questions for an author Q&A.
The Foods, People, and Innovations That Feed Us — Smithsonian Curator Paula J. Johnson
Curator and Project Director of the American Food History Project
April 2 at 11:00 AM PDT
From Murder to Atonement: Confronting My Son’s Killer — Diane Foley & Colum McCann
McCann, Award-winning and bestselling author of Apeirogon, Let the Great World Spin, and Transatlantic
April 9 at 11:00 AM PDT
A Literary Examination of Power, Love, and Art — Xochitl Gonzalez
New York Times bestselling author of Olga Dies Dreaming and Anita de Monte Laughs Last
April 17 at 5:00 PM PDT
Can’t make it to the live event? Watch the recording (and the Library’s past talks) in the author talk archive!